I'm trying to get better at taking a nice picture. Here are a couple of shots I've taken in the past 6 to 8 months.
My town has the most fun weekend in May called "Lost in the 50's" Lots of old classis cars and street dances!
I just think this is a fun shot.
This is my Brother and Sister-in-law's dog Max. He's a good dog.
This is one of my favorite pictures I've ever taken.
I wish they made cars like they used to, I think they were beautiful.
This is one of the first family shots I ever took. This was totally impromptue, and my sister-in-law doesn't like it, but it captures the kid's natures.
Thangy, you are very talented! Wish you could come and take our pictures, or just pictures here in New Mexico, you'd have plenty of subject matter. :)