Monday, January 2, 2012


It is good to be back in the United States. Over the Christmas holiday I had the opportunity to visit my parents in China, and it was an experience.  My parents are teaching at a university in Tian Jin, the 5th largest city in China.  Tian Jin is an industrial city so there isn't too much to see there, but the food scene was great.  I really do believe that you get to know a people by eating what they eat, so needless to say I ate a lot of street food.  I was yet again reminded that people are the same wherever you go.  People what to be loved, they react warmly to a smile and they love good food.  I think the best way tell you about the trip is for you to see it.  There will be videos that come later but here are a number of pictures.

This is a boring fist shot, but this was my last day in Tain Jin just outside the market that was a block form my parents apartment.  I loved that market and wish that the United States had more of a market culture.

 When it comes to finding good food on the street you look for lines of students.  The market previously mentioned is right off of campus and it's where many of the students eat morning, afternoon, and night. This lovely morsel was a favorite.  I have no idea whats in it but it was tasty!

The older folks in China are very active, no nursing homes for them (though these folks are younger). If you look closely you can see a hacki-sack thin with feathers on it.  I just walked up and they made room for me in their circle.

This was a most fabulous, deep-fried, flat bread best eaten hot!

The forbidden city in Beijing.  This was a huge complex and the only place I saw traditional Chinese architecture.  The emperor had a building for everything from the "do nothing" room to the "choose a concubine" room.  It amazes me that the people back in the day were in poverty and the king had a "do nothing" room.

This women sold fruit in my market.  I really wish we could have communicated on a real level, not the point and grunt I had to do.  I would love to know her story.

No I did not find a Chinese girl.  We were outside the cultural street in Tian Jin this girl wanted a picture so I wanted one too.

Chinese auto security.

The Great Wall.  This was amazing. We went to the wall about two hours out of Tian Jin and were the only ones there, literally.  The wall was huge and it truly amazed me.

This was the first street food I got and it was my favorite.  It was noodles with red pepper, peanut sauce, and other stuff I couldn't identify.

The folks behind me are the noodle-folk.  We got along just great!

Behold the tastiness!

This is my dad and I on my first day in Tian Jin.  I had just gotten off an airplane but needed a walk so we all toured campus.  It was nice to walk and see Mom and Dad after so long.

Dad and I on the Wall.

Hot fried bread with sausage in the middle, it was amazing!

These stairs are the typical Great Wall, up and down, up and down on these.

And if you slip this is what happens.

The fist sale a shop has is lucky.  We make these folks day by buying two suits.

Yes, my family is a super family and we were ready to take on China in this picture, although just a minute later Melani (my sister) was freezing again.  The wind really blew on top of the wall.

This is your typical bike/truck/mode of transportation in China.  I love the character these old bikes had.

This is the entrance to my market.  I love it.

This man made a very tasty tortilla/egg/veggie thing. He also had a great laugh.

Mom and Dad buy their fruits and veggies from this women.  While I was there I did a good deal of the shopping and she was very helpful.

These workout machines are everywhere.  I never say anyone really using them but the Chinese are not a fat people.


  1. Your assesment of the food is totally different than Mel's. I think you might have been more adventureous than she. looks like you had a fun time. Once in a life time opportunity for sure. I look forward to more of your pix....and Thingy, of course the ladies wanted their pix with're very good looking.
